
"European Profile for peer support workers"

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is therefore to create Europe-wide working standards for peer support workers, for example a job description, entry requirements, competence profiles as well as placement in companies and therapy teams. These standards will form the basis for qualification modules in education and training for Peer Supporters in psycho-social work.

Target groups of the project

To the direct target group belong already active or prospective peer support workers.
Indirect target groups are:

  • clients of psychiatry on the mend of recovery
  • institutions of psychiatric and psycho-social work
  • social welfare institutions
  • heads and teams of psycho-social institutions
  • associations from the field of psychiatry or psycho-social work
  • insurance carriers and policymakers
  • training institutes and schools

The innovative character …

… of this project results from the topic and the target group. The development of Europe-wide working standards for peer support workers, their competency profile as well as the description of their place in the organisation and teams should create transparency for the direct target group. The developed products support to a high degree of inclusion in the participating countries.


  • Description of the tasks of peer support workers in companies and teams.
  • Evaluation of the different experiences and development statuses in the work of peer support workers in the participating countries in order to develop a joint qualification profile in terms of a competence matrix.
  • Standardisation and recognition of the comparable competences of peer support workers from the participating countries.
  • Development of a guideline for companies and therapeutic teams regarding the placement of peer support workers.
  • The improvement of employment opportunities for existing or prospective peer support workers throughout Europe including the creation of a qualification module for managers of
  • psychiatric and psycho-social work institutions regarding these employment opportunities.

Dissemination conference

On October 12, 2021, the Dutch project partner GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord organized a conference to disseminate the project results. Due to the Covid security measures, the conference took place online. The project and its results were presented at the event. Technical experts from several countries gave interesting lectures on the situation of recovery companions/ peer supporters in Europe. 

Here you can find the presentations from the conference:

Resulting products


Assoziierte Partner


Grone-Bildungszentrum für Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe GmbH – gemeinnützig –
Heinrich-Grone-Stieg 2 • 20097 Hamburg

Frau Anna Block  
Mobil 0160 94776306 •

Frau Dr. Susanne Winterberg
(Betriebs- und Personalleitung)
Fon 040 23703-557 •

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